


 1.Find 3 things about a different culture that you didn’t know before

1- Ethiopia uses a calendar that is about seven years behind the Gregorian calendar.September 12 marks the start of the New Year for the African country , so their new millennium began on what we consider Sept. 12, 2007.

2- Cut fingers in Indonesia: are usually eccentric followed by a tribe called “Danny” in Indonesia, as they force women to cut off parts of their fingers when  a family member died. In order to make them feel the same emotional pain that they feel it!


3- In some Indian tribes the man at the maintenance of beards greeting each other an expression of mutual respect!

    2.What are some problems with ethnocentrism in the UAE?

In the UAE’s culture, people can not be seen kissing in public. It’s against the Islamic religion and the culture of the UAE. It is very different than other cultures. However, other cultures they see it a normal thing, it’s not forbidden or something.

      3. How could these problems be overcome?

The UAE culture based on Islamic law (sharia). The UAE culture is very different from other cultures. the foreign people should respect the UAE culture and don’t kiss in public. and the UAE people respect  other cultures when they travel to their countries.

the group member:

Ahlam Jaabal

Nouf Abdualla

Maryam Nasser


Three stories


Alvie Eats Soup

In this story, the worldview is Honour/Shame because the parents were so embarrassed from

what will people say about their son who just eat soup and his grandmother a famous chef?

 Also, they want him to follow family rules. This shows Focus on establishing what will enhance or maintain power.

Robot Racers (2)

The scenario of this story explains the type of the three Colours worldview which is innocence / Guilt societies because of Tanktop cheats squeak. For example, Tanktop stolen cyber sid’s memory chip. In addition, Tanktop rests Betty Byte’s built in alarm clock to let squeaky be late from the race and brings the winner. Besides that,  Tanktop creates  a lot of problems for Squeaky. for instance, he puts nails, oil and cuts Squeaky’s telescopic arms. however, in the end, of the story, squeaky won the race which indicates that being cheat is always the loser and being honest is always winner. that is  Fairness, consistency and transparency are important

The Gruffalo

In this story, power fear is the world view because the mouse was laying that he is Gruffalo friend’s to make animals afraid of him.

Also, he said to the Gruffalo that he has power. Mouse is smart and gets the power easily. Mouse shows Rely strongly on the verbal commitment to building relationships.



My was:

 Honor/shame: (8)



There are 5 views refers to my personality interpretation of reality, or my basic view of life:-

1. try to engage one on one before meeting in larger groups.

2. Group is held accountable for growth and improving performance.

3.Don’t blame the individual in public even when it is his/her fault.

4. give a reason to be trusted.

5. often tends to use direct communication.